Barbell Training

Barbell Training

Author: name From: name Modify: Jun. 17, 2020
Sep. 03, 2020

    Barbell is an essential strength training in fitness. Using different weights and training methods, barbell training can exercise many different muscles. Long-term barbell training can exercise upper limb muscles, waist, abdominal muscles, and leg muscles. You can modify muscle lines, increase muscle endurance, and often do heavy barbell exercises, which can make muscles strong, strengthen muscle fibers, and increase muscle strength.

    Now we introduce several common barbell training methods:


    Standing barbell lifting exercise

     In gym exercises, standing barbell lifting exercise  is good and effective. Of course, standing barbell lifting is also helpful to us, but many people don’t know which muscle standing barbell lifting to exercise. Now Let's take a look how to exercise standing barbell.

    Which muscle the standing barbell lifting to exercise?

The main training muscles for standing barbell lifting are the deltoid lateral and trapezius muscles, and the front deltoid, infraspinatus, supraspinatus and teres minor muscles can also be exercised.

   This movement mainly trains the deltoid muscle when using a wide grip barbell, and the trapezius muscle when using a narrow grip. Barbell close to the body training mainly stimulates the side of the deltoid muscle. When the barbell is lifted in an arc along the front of the body, it mainly stimulates the front part of the deltoid muscle. The front bundle of the deltoid muscle participates in exerting force. When the elbow is raised above the shoulder, the trapezius muscles do work and stimulate the trapezius muscle.

      How to exercise Standing Barbell Lifting 

  1. Posture: Feet shoulder-width apart, torso straight, head up, chest, and core muscles. Relax your shoulders and neck, tighten your shoulder blades, and keep your hands shoulder-width apart. Some people use a wide grip or a narrow grip, holding the barbell straight and evenly.


  2. Lift up: Feel the deltoid muscle lifting weight, and then pull up again. During the process, open your elbows and pull the barbell to the height of your chin. At this time, your elbows may be higher than your shoulders.


  3. Devolve: Slightly slow down the speed, use the deltoid muscle to control the speed until the hand is straight. Try to imagine that there is an invisible line between the deltoid and trapezius muscles, so that the force can be more effective to train the target muscle group.



      Standing barbell lifting attentions

  1. It may be that the weight is too heavy, causing the weight to be pulled up by brute force only with the hands, and the shoulders are not lifted, and the exercise cannot be achieved. Or the weight exceeds the load, so that when the barbell is lowered, the body is dragged away, and the momentary gravity is downward, which may cause excessive pressure on the back and easily cause injury.


  2. Another situation is that some people may use the power of the wrist to make the barbell rise and fall after being lifted. Remember, you only need to "hold" your hands to ensure that the barbell will not fall in your hands, and you don't need to grasp it completely. In this way, it can also help you really use your shoulders to "lift" the barbell.

In the gym, many exercises are somewhat difficult, and at the same time, if an exercise is not done right, it will affect the effect of the exercise. Therefore, if you are doing exercises, you must understand the essentials of the exercise and its process in advance. Next, let's take a look at how to do barbell lifting? If you want to know too, let's take a look!

      Barbell Bend-Over Row

      Which muscle the barbell bend-over row to exercise?

This exercise has a very comprehensive effect, and it can help everyone exercise the legs and arms, as well as the muscles of the back, buttocks, and back.  However, this exercise mainly makes the arm thin, and then the legs. Because the body has to stand during the exercise, the stretching effect on the legs is quite obvious. Generally speaking, there are many parts of this exercise, so it is very suitable for people who want to exercise multiple parts.

      How to exercise barbell bend-over row

   1. Hold the barbell with both hands, bend your knees slightly, and bend your upper body forward until it is almost parallel to the ground while keeping your back straight. Drop your arms naturally and look ahead. This is the starting position of the action.


  2. Sit back on the hips, bend down, and slide the barbell along the thighs to the vicinity of the knee joints. Keep your back straight. Contract the back muscles, lift the barbell in a rowing trajectory, and exhale at the same time. Note that the elbows are close to your sides. Maintain the above posture, tighten your back, pull up on your elbows, pull the barbell to the vicinity of the lower abdomen, and then return to the original position according to the original track. Each group 15-0 reps, do 3-4 groups.

   Barbell bend-over attentions

   1. Try this method for the first time, and slowly lift with a lighter weight to feel the contraction of the upper back and back shoulder muscles.

        2. Try to avoid the legs and hips from participating in the force during the lifting; always keep the knees slightly bent and the upper body angle should remain unchanged during the whole movement; the elbows should face the ceiling at the end of the lifting, at the top of the movement, Contract your shoulders and squeeze to fully contract the trapezius muscles to create muscle thickness.

        3. If you are not careful in this training, it is easy to injure your waist and lower back, so you must keep your back tight during the entire lifting action, keep good control of the barbell, and be sure not to lift the barbell sharply or drop the bell suddenly .

        4. The influence of the grip: the front grip is wide and the barbell can be lifted higher along the body, which can increase the thickness of the latissimus dorsi, trapezius and rhomboid muscles; the back grip can only lift the barbell Mention the height of the navel, but it can better impact the lower back latissimus muscles, and the biceps are also involved, which also disperses the strength of the back.


