Several Dumbbell Exercise Methods

Several Dumbbell Exercise Methods

Author: name From: name Modify: Jun. 17, 2020
Sep. 21, 2020

In life, dumbbells are an equipment which is often used by people. There are many exercise methods for dumbbells, and different postures can exercise different muscles. Dumbbells can be practiced standing, sitting, or leaning over. No matter what kind of posture, everyone likes to use black rubber dumbbells, because rubber dumbbells are flexible, durable and environmentally friendly. In dumbbell exercises, dumbbell benches are essential. There are straight back dumbbell benches, adjustable dumbbell benches and flat dumbbell exercise benches. They are all good assistants for dumbbell exercises.

Here are several commonly used dumbbell exercise methods:

       Dumbbell push shoulder

Dumbbell push is an action that uses dumbbells to push the shoulders. I believe some people still know it. When practicing dumbbell push, you must first know how to do dumbbell push and what part of it. What are the essentials of dumbbell push shoulders?

       Dumbbell push shoulder exercise essentials

   1. Sit on a stool with a backrest. It is recommended to use a dumbbell right-angle stool. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and place it on your legs, palms facing each other. Then lift up the dumbbells on both sides with your thighs, place them on your shoulders, extend your upper arms, bring your palms forward and your elbows outward. Lean back on the backrest. This is the starting position of the action.

       2. Straighten your arms up, lift the dumbbells above your head, and exhale at the same time. Move the dumbbells toward the middle at the top to squeeze the shoulders and stay for a while.

      3. Then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position while inhaling. Maintain control of the strength of the dumbbells during the descent.

      Which Muscle Dumbbell push exercise?

Dumbbell pushes, most of them use the upward push method, and people use dumbbells to push upwards. In most cases, the weight of dumbbells is determined by themselves. Dumbbell push is often used by everyone. It is used to exercise the middle bundle of the deltoid muscle and the front bundle of the deltoid muscle. While these two parts are being exercised, our triceps can also be assisted and exercised.

      Attentions of dumbbell push shoulder

The steps of dumbbell push shoulders are a bit complicated, as we can see from the above postures, but this exercise can also be done more easily by remembering some small techniques, such as when we push dumbbells at night , Remember that you have to inhale at this time. When you put the dumbbells back in place, you can exhale. The breathing must be rhythmic. Also, during this exercise, our trajectories should be controlled as similar as possible. Don’t have to re-plan each trajectory. It’s better to restore the last trajectory as much as possible to the muscle training effect. Would be better.

     Dumbbell Flyes

In training exercises, dumbbell flyes is a useful exercise, but when doing dumbbell flyes, you must first know where to dumbbell flyes exercise and the keys of dumbbell flyes exercises. Only doing like this, you can better practice dumbbell flyes. Where does the dumbbell flyes exercise?

       Which muscle the dumbbell flyes exercise?

Everyone knows that this training actually stimulates the pectoralis major muscle very obviously, but it is also very useful for the exercise of the deltoid muscle and the exercise of the triceps. Generally speaking, when doing exercises, we need to take into account every muscle of the body. In terms of exercise effects, it is a very comprehensive exercise. For everyone’s serratus pectoralis minor muscle and the coracobrachialis The muscles have very good exercise effects, so the muscles that are exercised are still very comprehensive. You can try it.

       How to do the exercise of dumbbell flyes?

   1. Keep your elbows slightly bent at a fixed angle and lower it to the back plane. When you lift it up, it is like hugging a big tree, instead of straight up and down, press along a certain arc to feel the stretch and contraction of your chest muscles.

       2. The angle between the upper arm and the forearm, no matter when lifting or falling, must be maintained at 100 degrees to 120 degrees and the dumbbell is on the plane of the shoulder and elbow joints. Stand up your chest and sink your shoulders, and put the pectoralis major in the "peak contraction" position, and stop for a while.

         The attentions of dumbbell flyes exercise

In breathing, we inhale while pulling the two arms to the side, and then exhale when the action returns to the original position, and it should be noted that the two hands should not be held too tightly. At this time, the muscles in the back should feel tightened, and focus on the pectoralis major muscle.

         Incline dumbbell press

 Incline dumbbell press is a good exercise, and before you practice the incline dumbbell press, you must first understand the essentials and precautions of the incline dumbbell press. Only doing like this, you can better practice the incline dumbbell press, and it can also reduce the error occurred during exercise. What are the keys of the incline dumbbell press?

       Essential exercise of incline dumbbell 

1. Angle: Set the angle of the inclined plate at 30 degrees to achieve a better posture for stimulating the chest muscles. More than 30 degrees will cause excessive weight to act on the anterior deltoid muscle.

2. Reminder: The position where the dumbbells fall should be placed on the upper chest close to the collarbone.

3. Preliminary posture: Lie on the inclined board, hold the dumbbells in both hands and place it directly above the shoulders, place your feet flat on the ground, tighten the shoulder blades back, keep your back straight against the inclined board, tighten your abdominal muscles, and straighten your neck.

4. Action essentials: When lifting, you should follow a triangular trajectory, and the dumbbells should meet at the midline of the body above the chest and shoulders. The position where the dumbbells are almost in contact with each other, the peak contraction movement should be smooth and smooth, pay special attention to the squeezing of the chest muscles, and the movement should be slow when restoring.

5. Number of sets: Use dumbbells of appropriate weight to do 3 to 4 sets, each set 10 times. The action rhythm is "3-0-2" seconds. Try not to pause (if you need to pause for a while, only at the top or bottom).

       Attentions of Incline Dumbbell Press

   Exercise dumbbell press, no matter which method you use, you must pay attention to the weight selection, because the deltoid muscle is not a big muscle mass, in fact, you can't use too much weight. On the contrary, training with a small weight for many times is better. Some trainers are prone to fall back when doing it. At this time, the waist is too heavy and the upper band of the pectoral muscle is stimulated too much. The training of the target muscle will be weakened, and the risk of waist injury will become very large.

        Dumbbell shrug exercise

When exercising, we will use a variety of exercises. Of course, in addition to exercises, we will also use a variety of exercise workout equipment, such as dumbbells. Dumbbell shrug is a kind of exercise using dumbbells. Of course, practicing dumbbell shrug has many benefits for people. What are the benefits of practicing dumbbell shrugs?

       The benefits of dumbbell shrugs

   Dumbbell shrug can exercise the trapezius muscle well, which may not be unfamiliar to many people. The well-developed trapezius muscles not only give people a better visual effect, they will look crisp no matter what clothes they wear. It is also good for many sports. For example, in the process of fitness, if you want to lift the barbell, just Requires well-developed trapezius muscles for support. To achieve this effect, a dumbbell shrug is a good choice. The benefits of dumbbell shrugging are far more than these.

   Dumbbell shrug action essentials

   1.Hold a dumbbell in each hand, stand upright, keep your chest and abdomen straight. Drop your arms naturally at your sides, with palms facing each other. This is the starting position of the action.

       2. Keep your arms straight, raise your shoulders as much as possible, pull the dumbbells up, and exhale at the same time. Until the shoulder is lifted to the limit, stay at the top for a while.

      3. Then lower the dumbbells back to the starting position and inhale at the same time.

         Dumbbell shrug notes

   1.When you lift your shoulders up and close your ears, exhale; when you move the dumbbells down, inhale.

   2. When the action is over, move the dumbbell down to be safe and avoid injury. Bend the knee joints of your legs so that the dumbbells are down and close to the ground-don't use the back muscles to exert force to complete the action.
